
Installation of a bio fuel boiler 2x1,0 MW with required system, OÜ Kurista Saeveski
Installation of a bio fuel boiler 2 MW with required system, AS Lehtpuutöötlemise
Installation of a bio fuel boiler 0,6 MW with required system, AS Palmako
Installation of a bio fuel boiler 1,0 MW with required system, Võisiku Hooldekodu
Installation of a bio fuel boiler 1,0 MW with required system, OÜ Anro PT
Installation of a bio fuel boiler 0,6+0,3MW with required system, OÜ Trei Puidukaubad
Installation of a bio fuel boiler 1,0 MW with required system. Construction of a wood drier and
a piping system AS Iibis Puit
Construction of gas assemblies, OÜ Ihaste Gaas
Installation of a bio fuel boiler 2x1,0 MW with required system. Construction of a wood drier and
a piping system, AS Valmeco
Installation of a bio fuel boiler 1,0 MW with required system, Taheva Sanatoorium
Installation of a bio fuel boiler 1,5 MW with required system, Pühajärve Puhkekodu
Installation of a wood chip boiler 1,0 MW incl. a feeding system, OÜ Trives
Reconstruction of a steam boiler DKVR 10-13, AS Eraküte Tartu
Construction of a piping system located in Sõbra str., Tartu.
Reconstruction of bio fuel boiler house, UPM-Kymmene Otepää AS
Construction of a piping system located in Vallikraavi str., Tartu
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